Risks. Risks and Love. Is it risky to love one another?
Also, I ask, in reference to comments on the last post, if it is too risky to bring children into this world we live in? Yes of course it is risky, but do the rewards outweigh the potential pitfalls? I tried in vain to find the following quote. I will do my best to paraphrase. Someone, and I cannot remember who, was gardening, and was asked what they would do if they knew today that they would die tomorrow. The reply was they would continue gardening. The fact is, we do not know when we are going to die, we don't even know for sure, what tomorrow will bring or if it will come. If you asked those who were caught in the tsunami last year, the day before it hit, what they were planning to do the next day, I feel you would find that the answers would not match the horror in which they were about to receive. Since we do not really know anything about the future does that mean the risks are too great? Like the person quoted above, we may as well live as if all will be fine in the years ahead. I submit vigorously, that there is just as much evidence supporting the continued survival of the earth and its inhabitants, as there is fact against this notion.
Allegory by Chankslee: the ukranian zimbabwian falls into the abyss of love! Just an update. The beautiful Yulia has been supplanted. If it stirs even a remote interest---> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yulia_Tymoshenko Aren't politics volatile? I didn't know at the time that she, as is mentioned in wikipedia, allegedly had an assassination attempt against her. I also wonder if the scarred face of Yushchenko, due to poisoning has cleared up.
Secret Wall tatoos. Next time you are in a hotel, check behind the pictures. This crafty site shows what can be done to unsuspecting hotel rooms, by Canadian rebellious artists. Is it art or vandalism? Is it neat or nefarious? What would the Professor think?