Sunday, July 08, 2007

Charcoal anyone?

(picture) Virgin Amazon Rainforest logs and the mud huts they will be put into to create... charcoal.

Australian Minister for Defence, Dr. Brendan Nelson, was involved in what Liberal supporters called a gaffe, last week. He may have had his words taken out of context by a media outlet to sensationalize a story but the spotlight was thrust upon him, and it was reported in the worldwide news that Australia is in Iraq for the oil. John Howard went into damage control after the official opposition leader, Kevin Rudd, claimed the Liberals were making up policy on the run, or words to that effect. American diplomats would have "encouraged" to refrain from these kind of statements because the war is not about oil. It is about ridding the evil Saddam Hussein's dictatorial empire and give freedom to the Iraqi people.

The Gulf War I, was not about the oil, it was about defending Kuwait from an evil bully. Gulf War II, of course was not about the oil either. Fact 1. The Middle East, including Iraq is awash in oil. Fact 2. When the initial invasion took place, in both conflicts, the price of petroleum raised dramatically. Fact 3. The largest exports from the Middle East are oil. Fact 4. The largest companies in the Middle East are oil exporters. Fact 5. Without oil, every country in the Middle East would be poor third world countries. Fact 6. The US, Britain, and Australia are not in Iraq for oil.

I know Australia, is but a tiny little speck when compared to any of the G8 ( Canada notwithstanding ) nations and the pollies know which side of their toast has honey on it, but it would be refreshing for at least one politician to at least blurt out, in a high and voluptuous voice.... The emperor isn't wearing any clothes! It will not happen because we recently signed a Free Trade agreement with the US, making them a larger trading partner, and secondly because we are not the puppet master. If Australia, was to tell the world, that Iraq was about oil, many Republicans would be upset. Democrats would be happy of course but when Hillary Clinton, comes into power, I doubt she would trust Howard and his experienced cronies because of the damage they had done to the previous administration, however small. I guess the game is played with certain rules, that cannot be broken.

We have many hostile thoughts against the US government here on this site and wonder if you would like to indulge in a few more? Isn't it interesting when you see normal Americans echoing the views of their enemy? Ironic. Defeat from within? I am full of questions today.

Psam agrees with Osama?

"We declared jihad against the US government, because the US government is unjust, criminal and tyrannical. It has committed acts that are extremely unjust, hideous and criminal whether directly or through its support of the Israeli occupation." - Osama bin Laden - to CNN in March 1997

"The pieces of the bodies of infidels were flying like dust particles. If you would have seen it with your own eyes, you would have been very pleased, and your heart would have been filled with joy." -- Osama bin Laden at the wedding of his son in southern Kandahar about the 17 sailors who died suicide bombing of the USS Cole off the coast of Yemen


Anonymous said...

We all know it IS about oil?

Point is: Young people are dying for whatever it is about.

Another Point is: The U.S.A. has spent mega millions supporting whatever it is about.

Final Point is: If the U.S.A. said the war was about Arab infidels over there that don't believe in the Easter Bunny, then what country could stand up to the U.S.A. and tell them to stop?

The U.S. will do what they want wherever they want and no one can stop them?

Not even the United Nations.

That smy takeost

targo....lost? said...

For sure it's all about the oil. The US has been wanting a reason to go into the middle east for years, they tried several times but the support just wasn't there. And then it happened, almost like a gift, 9-11. A horrific surreal day that will forever be remembered, it is now a part of history, and we can think about where we were on that devastating day. But here we are the door has been opened, the people have been wounded hurt and angered it's time....

In they go with the illusion that it's 9-11 that it's for justice, and us as the wounded and hurt buy it hook line and sinker. But here we are almost 5yrs later and are we really any further ahead? Think about the deaths, the suffering the hurt that has taken place, and really can we claim that new ground has been broken? can we claim that we are any different than they are? Damn shock and Awe campaign, have you looked at the price of gas lately?

This sucks, so many have died and really what are as a country as a world, what are we doing over there again? Can we back out? I mean really can we?


Anonymous said...

About oil yes!
But not really about getting oil.
How much oil is coming out of the middle east right now? With so much conflict going on right now many wells and pipe lines have been distroyed. That I think is the real mission! It's not about obtaining oil but about distrupting the supply of oil to certain nations. The U.S. isn't the only nation with a demand for oil. Where does china get it's oil from? I have said this before there is more oil in north america then all of the middle east. Canada and the US are also setting up a back up plan. Grain to fuel. So if they don't need this oil why would they spend so much money going after it?
Iran is next. They are going to be bombed to stop their oil export next. I think the americans are doing exactly what they set out to do. Stop the flow of oil.

targo....lost? said...

so obviously there is more going on here than meets the eye.... figures....

Anonymous said...

wow this is good. thanks targo and bench and dost. Kind of good there is no zeolotry yet... and yes i say yet. i might add a bit here, do you remember a short time ago chankslee spoke about iran putting its citizens on gas rations? if they have so much oil why are their people on rations??? So lets ask the question then...If the US wants to disrupt the flow of petroleum...why? Who profits? Why?

Anonymous said...

targo i realize you may feel duped about going into iraq, but what about the notion that the iraqi people now have the opportunity to embrace democracy, end oppression, and create their own destiny? Isn't that a good result, a positive when so much is negative??

Anonymous said...

Four out of Four real people say it is about oil.

Why can't the "leaders" of our contries say it?

Have they been TOLD to say "It is not about oil"?

Or do they know there is a bigger agenda here, and if they support the party line then they will have a piece of the pie after they carve up Iraq and Iran and make them democracies?

I wonder if the agenda is that the U.S. now has a permanent presence in the middle east whereas before they couldn't even get near the place.
