Friday, August 03, 2007

Cydonia Mensae- THE FACE ON MARS!


July 1976 was the month in which the Viking 1 spacecraft delivered a shocking photo back to mission control. Whilst searching for a better landing place for its sister ship, Viking 2, it came across the sight. It was a large reproduction of a human face, in the spirit of our pyramids, but this structure covered 2 square miles. In comparing this structure to our pyramids you will quickly realize that any life forms that created such a vast structure would have to be more advanced than we are here, because of the sheer size of the phenomenon. They would have to be well organized and more advanced than we are because we have no knowledge of their appearance, which would suggest they have travelled here, or observed us in some way. Almost immediately, experts at NASA claimed there was little evidence to suggest any life was prevalent on the red planet. This did little to quell the anxiety felt by those who believed the possibility existed that another species, quite possibly not human, existed, and they were more advanced than we.

In the 1800's thousands of convicts were sent to Australia. The voyage lasted several months, where danger nurtured disease making the trip potentially perilous for all. Temperatures were noticeably warmer, as compared to England, making those who were used to cooler climates feel that Australia was an undesirable place to live. Colonizing Mars would also be a dangerous undertaking. It takes approximately 7 months to travel there. Temperatures range between minus 140 C in the winter and reaching highs of 20 C in summer. There is a polar ice cap at the north pole, which suggests water. Under the first couple of meters of rock, which covers the mysterious planet, scientists estimate there is an ample supply, which if these geniuses are correct could sustain humans. The landscape is named after highly regarded astronauts. Gusev crater, Apollo 1 hills, Columbia hills and Endurance crater are the names of a few.

It may not be too long before a concrete proposal for colonization is realized. It would be heightened by a discovery of a resource or a new element. If this did take place, would the news be kept secret or would it be heralded across the globe as a reason to continue exploration of this planet? If given the opportunity, would you travel to Mars, and be the first human to be exposed to the Martian landscape, without the benefit of a space suit? Would you consider living away from Earth? If we continue to populate we may have to colonize another planet. Do you agree with the notion?


Anonymous said...

I think we aren't meant to live there.


Anonymous said...

Mars and martians kind of like the man in the moon too

Anonymous said...

I work for a company that's expanding to other cities, while it doesn't even have all of its trucks in our home city running smoothly. It doesn't even have a decent enough way of paying the employees so that there is a happy atmosphere in day to day life at the job. Why take the capital that we have built up as a company and invest it in another city instead of making our own warehouse a better environment? The only reason I can see is because the people in charge are more concerned about their bankbooks than they are about the happiness of the people working hard to make the whole thing happen in the first place. We should not accept this from company organizers. We spend so much time in our workplaces, that it is crucial to learn to make our workplaces as happy as they can be. Otherwise we are shirking the most important responsibility we have in our lives: enjoying them.
Similarly, we are not ready to travel to Mars. We have to repair our own world first for all the damage that's been done since humanity became the tumorous plague that it is. We need to spread the message through our populace that we need to voluntarily, uniformly, slow our breeding down so that the population maintains a slow steady decline, anywhere from a million to ten million a year worldwide, possibly even fifty million for a couple of years. If we can't do this, we may as well not bother populating Mars, because the Earth won't even last more than another fifty years.

Anonymous said...

This earthling has no desire to have duel citizenship no matter how cute those martians are.

Anonymous said...

A "FACE" on Mars?


Who built it? How did it get there? Is it really a made thing or is it something that nature carved out?

We need answers. The only way I see of getting answers is to go there and find out.

Just like Columbus did when he left England to find the "New World".

Yes, count me in........

But I really don't mind if someone else goes first.

Possibly the government knows more than they are letting out.

Could it be that they are already here and amnongst us?

Of course if we ask the government the official response is probably that there is nothing to report.

If nature made it how could it be so symetrical and both sides identical?

....... we are not alone-ost.

check out

Anonymous said...

We just have to go there if only to plant the flag of the United States of America.

We need to bring democracy to Mars, and make it a utopian regime.

Call it a fresh start to civilization - as we know it.

Anonymous said...

Hey Colonate - Pollinate

I don't think the U.S. has a good enough track record here on earth to be able to make a regime change on Mars.


Anonymous said...

For all the simpering psam does about overpopulation I thouhgt he would be glad to have people go to mars. He is a differnt butter bun.

Anonymous said...

if you believe in martiaons do you believe in santa too and maybe the americans can look for weapons on mars to. plant your flag before the euro union does.

Anonymous said...

Overpopulation is a problem because humans use up resources and create waste. We do more of both of these things than the Earth has the capacity to deal with. Travelling to Mars would be yet another use of massive amounts of resources, and would also generate tremendous amounts of waste. I can't believe you couldn't figure this out on your own. You astound me.
As far as relating travelling to Mars with Christopher Columbus, you're forgetting one very important detail. There are no other beings living on Mars for us to slaughter, rape, desecrate, and destroy their culture, so it would probably not be the same kind of an expedition as Columbus's was.

Anonymous said...

psam so we generate waste? Thts a good idea we should send all our waste to mars. I like that.We wouldnt even have to dig a big hole, jsut strew it all over. I like your idea. I mean there is nothing on mars anyways, heck, why don't we just send all of our waste out to space, nuclear or otherwise. I like your idea psam we should do that. Did cablooture figure that out first, or do you take the credit for that?

john in brizzy

Anonymous said...

Well john,
I don't know if you've ever heard about the one little problem with sending nuclear waste out to space. Here it is:
One explosion would destroy the world.
There have been two exploded space shuttles in recent memory, and a few other mishaps. If those had been expeditions to send nuclear waste out to space, that would have been it. We would all be dead. So while I understand the appeal of the idea, it's too dangerous. There are relatively stable methods of containment for nuclear waste which do not have this tremendous danger-factor.
Also, as far as waste products that go into our atmosphere and water system, it is impossible to extract them, and even if we found large-scale ways to do it, we'd be better off to find other methods of containment than sending them off to space.
Here's the other problem. Generating waste is perhaps not as significant a threat to the future of our generation's children as using up resources. This world is not capable of supporting even the number of humans that are already on it. We are depleting and exhausting it. Find out a bit about levels of gases in the atmosphere, depletion of fish stocks, demolition of forests, and methods of mass-producing meat products, do a bit of math, and then get back to me. Perhaps you will be a little shocked and scared. I apologize for having taken away your sense of security or optimism, but you have no idea how much danger your children are in. Having children in this day and age is a sad mistake. By the time they reach your age, they won't have much of a world left to live on.
Who is to blame? First world nations. And we wonder why the rest of the world hates us. Hmm.
Oops, sorry chankslee, was that what you might call another rant?