Yes, China will be the next SUPERPOWER. As far as human rights recognition goes and personal rights versus the rights of the state, they are sadly lacking. I have heard whispers, here and there, that a revolution within ten years will take place. Do I believe this could happen? Yes. Do I think it is likely? Not if the government is clever. I think that nearly all revolutions are borne out of hardship. Prosperity should be the name of the game in that country for the next 20 years or so. If the gap between the have's and the have nots is not a gulf, then things should be okay. But yes, like it was mentioned before, this is just one mans opinion.
It is in fact G8. Group of eight. The nations include... Germany, Japan, Italy, US, UK, Canada, the Russian Federation and France. Together they make up over 65% of the World economy. The leaders names I am sure you have all heard. Including... Dubya, Harper, Merkel, Chirac, Prodi, Putin, Blair, and Koizumi. This year, 2006, the president (rotating every year) is Vladimir Putin. The original six members came together amid an oil crisis in 1975. President Ford asked if Canada could become a member in 1976 and they were now the G7. In 1991, Bill Clinton suggested that Russia become an honourary member as appreciation for economic reforms by Russian President, Boris Yeltsin. One would notice that the expansion of the group seems prevailant upon America. Well yes they do happen to be very active in forging diplomatic relations with many nations. Most of them quite good relationships I might add. Now if one was to look at their GDP or Gross Domestic Product, (total value of goods and services produced in 1 year) it would be plainly evident that these are the wealthiest nations on Earth.
Now what is the difference between the G8 and the WTO? Is there other groupings of nations, like say the G15? (Yes) Who would belong. Is there a group of oil producing nations? What does the UN have to do with this? I think we should start by observing the news which comes as a result of the G8 summing this year in July.
Now for more important things. Please go to this link. http://gb.asterix.com/ Check er out. She's good. Quite a cool site... especially if you like Asterix and Obelix.
"I beat anorexia." This is great. Good to see someone overcome the odds, see hope where none was before, and strive for greatness. He really is a great man. Never give up, pursue your dreams. If you want it bad enough you will get it.
Lastly. I have been updating your point lists on "view my complete profile." (located at the verrry bottom.) There has been some movement in the top 3 positions. I have 2 more trivia questions, and then the winner will get the prize.... hopefully to be put towards a trip to/within, this beautiful country, Australia. I will be mailing the prize in an interesting fashion. Cash will be in the envelope,,, a mixture of icing sugar and flour will be inside too... or something like that. Suggestions please.
Paul smiles as her hears about your mailing ideas.....
Then says "Does he want to get arrested??" Powder in envelopes could be a bad thing.....unless you colour it green first and use just regular cugar....hey what am I saying I am in the top 3.
But remember since the 9/11 events the mail system is just waiting for something to happen........
Interesting take on the G7 or G8..it's sad to realize that in this all they are taking into account is the country's wealth or possibility of wealth. Peoples freedoms are being held at 'bay' in China but the world thinks that we can hold them up as a model......*sigh* that is pretty sad!
Paul does have a real question for you Chanks
"will the Mental Eeks get jealous with all this Asterixs talk?? and where does this leave the poor old Yaplo??"
If history is anything to go by, China has all the qualities to become a superpower. Add India to the equation and.....! The economy is on the rise.
What an education I am receiving, we have the G8, WB, IMF, WTO, WEF, WSF, MAI,GATS, NAFTA and FREE TRADE. And I agree, it should be refered to as "alphabet soup"!
Reminds me of those college movie where only the rich kids could join the club designed to intimidate those considered less fortunate. 'Considered' is the operative word.
"We are surrounded."
I should have learned to speak mandarin instead of learning to play the mandolin.
Preston Manning is NOT running for the position of premier of Manitoba. He turned down the opportunity. I heard him interviewed on the radio today. He is instead remaining in charge or the Manning Centre for the Building of Democracy, so he can keep his energy focussed on this. My favorite bit of wisdom I gleaned from listening to him is that he feels that nobody is trained in how to make their democratic government function properly. You know, it just occurs to me the number of people I've talked to who've graduated from high school and yet they don't even know the difference between an MP and an MLA. The man has a point.
Here's what I can add as my personal suggestion for democratic reform. Imagine a system where instead of voting every four years, you vote whenever you want to. Once you cast your vote, you never have to go in and vote again until such time as you change your mind about who you want to vote for. If you hear about a scandal for the MP or MLA (or in city government, mayor or counsellor) in your riding, watch them suddenly be de-elected in the space of a day. Watch the new member go in as an immediate replacement.
Now with this system if someone crosses the floor in parliament, they'd better know that it's what their constituents want them to do. With this system government members are immediately responsible to their public. Why hasn't anybody thought of this before? Democracy will never really solve the world's problems, but it certainly helps solve a few of them. Manning is right, let's keep working towards having our government treat us the way we deserve to be treated.
Oops, that should be Alberta not Manitoba for Preston Manning. He was asked to run as the replacement for Ralph Klein with the Conservatives. Anybody know how many terms Klein was in for?
It's been awhile since I've mentioned a couple of heroes of mine: Tara and Chankslee. I've been finding reading this site that I have more and more of them. Heroes I mean.
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