Thursday, June 01, 2006
Immigrant lovers? Idiots? Laughable or sad? (see below)
AV, and Psam, and Targo....3rd and 2nd and #1.....and the others ....I like Coke Zero. Does that mean I will get brain tumours? What actually is the difference between Zero and Diet Coke? As I told you before, my no sugar diet made me lose a heap of mass. Well, I am back onto sugar as of about oh, 50 days ago or more and am as massive as ever, hyper and ADD-ish. Wonderful eh... did I just say eh? Eh. There has been one side effect though. I cannot enjoy my local stimulant/drug/performance enhancer/boooster of life/java/coffee/steroid with sugar anymore. I made this shocking discovery yesterday when I mistakenly sipped my co workers cup of joe, which was filled with previously acceptable levels of the wonderful white crystalline substance. It was awful. I just LOVE it now nearly naked. This mystifying liquid has to be subtly conjoined with a dash of milk. As for mary jane, previously mentioned by our misguided little friend Puh-sam... I would feel that in HIS case, especially he, would not be better off using the substance instead of coffee...As for mary jane, previously mentioned by our misguided little friend Puh-sam... I would feel that in HIS case; especially he, would not be better off using the substance instead of coffee...instead of coffee.
Welcome again to the newbie, the one man opinion man, is in fact a woman. ( i think- there is code ) Spaget, it took some courage to admit defeat. I am surely on your side because I love the little sweeteners which demand I consume 5 Zeros per shift. Dadost. Your horse is nothing but a WINNER.... or did the other one win by a nose? And Deb. Hello again, good to have you here, I hope you enjoy! Only you and a small group of others will truly appreciate the very first entry made on this site. Read it and weep. February some time. First one. Incidently, we, today are on number 40.
On to other pieces of business. Hugo Chavez. Ya gotta notice the guy because he has become quite the news item as of late. Take a step back from the middle east and look south. He has forged a petrolium deal with Ecuador. This has followed an oil alliance with Cuba and Bolivia, plus a growing group of nations which oppose US dominance in the sector. Venezuela, has become quite a popular nation due to his anti American stance. Some have likened him a "charming provocateur." He is now warning the Yankees to be careful of his actions with Iran. Who is this guy anyways? Eighteen months ago most people didn't even know who he was. I love a pot stirrer though. Lets watch.
And finally....
The World Cup. Our group, (yes, that is u too) gets to play against the tournament "fave," Brasil, and now looks to be even a bigger underdog because of Japan. In a 2-2 draw against the host nation, Germany, Japan, has proved they will be even harder to beat than first suspected. Germany, the perennial runner up in this contest has always been an excellent team. We edged past Greece 1-0 but they haven't qualified, so by rights we could be in deep doo doo. Should be fun. Just days now until the first match. Enjoy! Yes Go the Oil.
Now a little part for the paranoid. Things will get better. Just trust us, for we are the Government. Have you ever been on the phone and wondered if someone is listening? WELL THEY ARE. They then pump in some very quiet voices, which you can only hear while sleeping. If you listen to your little voice inside it will tell you..... aspartame is goooood. But yer gonna have to be quick, and saavy to defeat this kind of surveillance. It is in your hands. Time to watch the watchers. Strap your video cam to your head with duct tape and press record.... then go out to your closest police station and file a missing persons report. Watch and see what happens.
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I just remembered something I wanted to ask you Chankslee??!! Is there more than one Chankslee?
I was thinking about monuments and statues and the like, and it occurred to me that chankslee and fellow chankslee enthusiasts may not have heard about about this monument being constructed in BC to pay honour to those American refugees who had to flee to Canada during the Vietnam war. This was a period during which the American government unfortunately put themselves alongside the likes of Napoleon Bonaparte, Augusto Pinochet, Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler, and Joseph Stalin as an oppressive regime that was willing to sacrifice the freedom or welfare of their citizens. Those Americans brave enough to hide from the insanity of a government that wanted to force them to slaughter innocent Vietnamese citizens should be respected, as should the Canadians that helped them. Hopefully this monument being constructed will demonstrate this respect for people who were forcefully uprooted from places they had happily lived their entire lives, sadly ignorant of the tyranny they would eventually have thrust upon them by a government they had thought actually cared about them.
did you predict who y our top 3 would be?? was it a bet? kinda like a race track?
my mind is racing.......
going in circles like a track race....
You missed some of it Psam!
Psam and Allegory must be brothers. Maybe Brothers in Arms!
teehee Just being silly. Does that get you going Targo? Do you think I might know something you don't.
Oh, and Dadost,it is a good thing there wasn't a horse named Wind in that race 'cos Hoof Hearted would have passed Wind.
Deb, you haven't been on here before, at least not to my knowledge. But hello AGAIN!
Psam in case you havent noticed the americans got there butts kicked in vietnam.
Thanks for the welcome!!! I haven't been here before, but have had some fine battles with a few people here lol I did read the first entry and WE ALL KNOW who was missing don't we !!!!! (The Hungarian DID NOT GO CRAZY!!! she took all the janitors and moved into the hills!)
Five zeros per shift? Sounds like a whole lot of nothing happening during your shift. Could it be that the Aussies are using Neotame instead of Aspertame?
Chanks,, It is better to be a pot stirrer than a pot smoker.
Mona Lisa has a sly smile because SHE KNOWS..... what that race horse did.
Just in case YOU didn't notice, EVERYBODY got their butts kicked in the Vietnam war. There ARE no winners in a war. If you were unfortunate enough to have been living in Vietnam during those times, and YOUR CHILDREN GOT KILLED in the crossfire, you would NOT be saying "YAY we kicked the Americans butts!" You would NOT care whether your kids were killed by AMERICAN soldiers, or "friendly" fire from other Vietnamese people. You would NOT even care which nation "WON". All you would be saying is "my children died in that war". Just like the parents of American children who got sent to Vietnam while they were not even finished high school. THERE ARE NO winners in a war except politicians and "leaders". PLEASE figure that out! When a war happens, ALL the "leaders" and "officials" involved have FAILED US. They have failed every one of us who have to see innocent people like ourselves get killed. Iraq is another fine example. American government and Iraqi government alike are ALL EQUALLY GUILTY of having killed THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE JUST LIKE YOU AND YOUR KIDS. DO NOT FORGIVE THEM.
Sorry Chanks, but I'm really tired and confused too, which is easily done. The first entry, as I see it, seems to be talking about the janitor strike at Miami University.
The problem is I didn't think they taught Muslim stuff. Oh well, I guess that is 'one woman's opinion'.
Psam, you are one smart cookie.
2,474 Americans Dead in the fight in Iraq as of today.(
17,869 Americans wounded, i.e. amputees etc. as of today.
Iraqui's killed 42,434
In 1990 there were 304 fine young men and women graduating from Burnaby Central. Imagine 7 more graduating classes the same size, and that would be a little less that the number of American young people killed in Iraq as of today.
When will it stop?
Is it leading up to a Nuculear holocaust?
Australia might be the safest place to live if it comes to that.
I think we should all stop driving cars to because there are more deaths by car accidents every day in this world than all the people in the iraq war.
Interesting comment John. Thoughts run out of control considering the ramifications of that. How much difference is there between driving a car and driving a military tank equipped with cannons and machine guns?
Dadost, please tell me it's possible to still have faith that the world will not degenerate to nuclear war. I believe it is possible. I hope it is. Faith is important, which is something you've taught me in various moments, and I know that you, like everyone else, may forget that faith now and then, and I would hope I could return the favour, of instilling the importance of faith to you, as you did to me, if you needed it. I hope your boat is bringing you happy moments like you deserve.
AV, I'm honoured by your words, and impressed by your mind. You've sure said some stuff that gave me new, and very much treasured, ways of thinking.
deb good to see you here.
seiseirs, please write something to let me know you either agree or disagree with my response to your last entry. Please let me know I haven't upset or offended you. You're too good of a guy to deserve to get upset or offended by anyone.
newbie, chankslee has told me he just can't figure you out, and quite frankly neither can I. Don't get me wrong, I definitely like you, but I sure can't the heck figure you out the heck. What on EARTH are you saying I missed? One comment of yours gave me hours and days of solitary meditation and concentration and focus just to try to get what you said, and I STILL don't.
Tara, may the best woman, or man, win. No let me change that. May the best person be happy with the choice of winner.
Chankslee, putting together this blog is one of the most impressive things I've seen you do, in a long line of impressive things.
bench I miss seeing you on here. No comment yet this entry. Hope whatever's keeping you busy is also keeping you happy. And when you read through here again, here's a hello and a "hope you're doing well and doing all the things in your life that make it the success and happy time that it is".
chankslee, I'd have to say the statue would be made of bronze, and would commemorate the victory of peace.
Psam you have given me food for thought
I had looked at Chanks profile and found this : Your people want to make a statue in your honor. What will it be made out of and what victory will it commemorate?
I thought possibley that it could mean something but really wasn't sure,, and then psam made mention of it, this lead me to believe that it is of some importance to it all.
Now I know that Chanks really likes AV,psam and myself..... and when I read it, it reminded me of the favourites picked in a hocky game, or race, and I couldn't help but think that he had placed bets on how each of us would place and who would actually participate in this GREAT blog, that I hope won't disappear once the contest is over b/c well I really enjoy this freedom of expression!
Anyway back to that day, it just passed in the US you know, and it seems that many ppl are asking that exact question...As of now though I unfortunately don't have an answer, I would never want my family to create a statue in my honour, would they idolize the statue instead of remembering the individual..... you all know that there should be no other idols. :wink wink:
Psam maybe you would like to have no policemen walking the streets where you are living. Maybe you are a kung fu fighter? You don't need no stinking cops to take care of things.
Fact: There are good people and there are bad people.
You may not agree with this statement but I think and hope that most of us do.
Some times the good guys or "policemen" make mistakes and sometimes the good guys become bad guys.
All that said, we still need policemen.
It's no different on the world stage.
Vietnam was a civil war was it not?
north against south?
I don't have time to do the research so will let others correct or inform on this regard. Wars are always ugly, but sometimes needed. Back to the police in your city, there is a home invasion (your home) bad guys have come in tied up you and your what? Maybe instead of tying you up they enslave your whole family. Is this the way you want to spend the rest of your life? Or are you waiting for the police to come and save you and your family. While coming in to save you and your family a policeman gets shot and killed and 3 of the bad guys get killed. The awful things is, so did 1 of your kids. But your family is now free. The questions is was the cost to high, would you rather your family be enslaved for the rest of their lives?
On a more cheerful note thanks for the birthday wishes. My b-day sucked actually, doing 2 years worth of taxes. Yes psam that is ironic. After sticking up for governments I have spent the last 2 weeks doing taxes.
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